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This area is to provide information for upcoming Group Cruise information




We are in the process of planning the next cruise!!!!!!

Planning a Hawaiian cruise during the summer of 2005.  Will be open to all family & friends -  the more the merrier. 


Keep checking for updates.  Once we get dates, itinerary, and pricing we will update this site with the information.


Will be  a GREAT time as always!!   Keep checking for updates.



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This will be a *9* day trip.  The first 2 days are at a Resort in Honolulu, then  *7*  days at sea. The package price includes Airfare (from Ft Wayne), the 2 days in Honolulu, and the cruise.

The last cruise was such a great time, we knew it was time to do another one! We considered several different locations, ships, ports, etc., but this Hawaiian trip seemed like a great package. It is on Norwegian Cruise Lines (same as last time) but the ship for this cruise, the Leo,  is brand new and *twice* the size of the Wind.

If you were on the last trip, you should have received a letter explaining the entire package. Anyone wanting this package should just email us and we'll make sure the information is passed on.

Last years cruise was a lot of fun!! We all had a fantastic time and this trip looks even better!!



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Email us:   Bob -           Vic  -